Energy performance contracting provides guaranteed energy savings for efficiency and renewable projects, based on the future performance of energy efficient equipment and practices. These contracts are serviced by energy services companies and widely used by government, healthcare, and educational organizations. Archie Hall has been at both sides of the table, having directed successful energy services companies before transitioning into the consulting sector.
Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification (EM&V)
Energy efficiency and renewable energy projects produce energy and cost savings for customers, but how those savings impacts are evaluated, measured, and verified is not defined and described in a standard, straightforward way by energy services practitioners. The lack of widely standardized and satisfactory practices results in skepticism from consumers, program administrators (utilities), and regulators that approve energy program spending. H-Bolbolan is well-versed in EM&V, previously contributing to the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). We equip state and local agencies, utilities, regulators, energy service contractors, and customers with the knowledge they need to quantify and qualify energy savings for use in voluntary and compliance markets and performance-based programs.
Contact H-Bolbolan today for a robust energy strategy, which is systematically applied to your company’s energy use.
Changing the way energy is produced and consumed often begins at the state level. H-Bolbolan helps state energy offices design effective programs to meet their energy goals. We’ve been especially effective in securing funding for state initiatives that reduce energy consumption and/or produce clean energy by leveraging the use of private capital, utility incentives, and the sale of energy attributes.
Ever hear of “think globally, act locally?” We have, and we believe that creating global energy solutions can start right at home. H-Bolbolan designs clean energy programs for local governments that spur economic development and improve residents’ quality of life. We can assist local agencies access funding for new programs, develop implementation and marketing plans, qualify participating contractors and service providers, provide quality assurance, verify and measure savings, and document program impacts for use in public relations and future program planning.